![57 [Interview] Dr. Lisa Belanger - A Cup of Mindfulness](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/4289714/HEA_Cover_-_Copy_2__300x300.jpg)
Friday May 08, 2020
57 [Interview] Dr. Lisa Belanger - A Cup of Mindfulness
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
What can a simple cup of coffee teach us about staying motivated to move? Dr. Lisa Belanger has the answers. Lisa is the CEO of Conscious Works and author of A Cup of Mindfulness: For the Busy and Restless. Beyond Lisa's many career accomplishments, including running a national charity called the Knights Cabin, she's completed the Paris marathon and climbed Kilimanjaro. These days, under the COVID-19 travel restrictions, you will find her keeping up with a busy family life (well caffeinated) in the Canadian Rocky Mountains.
Join the Cup of Mindfulness ONLINE book launch: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-perfect-pairing-a-virtual-book-launch-and-winefulness-event-tickets-103564971618?aff=CWwebsite
Cup of Mindfulness on Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/1777090709
Conscious Works on Twitter: @consciousworks
Lisa on IG: @consciousworks
Follow Kelly on IG: @kelly.doell
Get Feel Like It: Makeover Your Motivation to Move on Amazon

Friday May 01, 2020
56 - Diversifying Your Fitness Portfolio for Tough Times
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
Times are tough, but being agile in the face of adversity can be a valuable skill. This week, let's think optimistically about an opportunity the shutdowns have provided, one that can pay dividends for you today and in the years ahead. As always, look out for my question of the week.
Kelly on IG: @kelly.doell @happilyeveractiveshow
Get Your Copy of Feel Like it: http://kellydoell.com/feel-like-it/
On Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Feel-Like-Makeover-Motivation-Happily/dp/1460252365
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/kellydoell
10 Things Killing Your Motivation to Move (Free Download): http://kellydoell.com/downloads/

Friday Feb 14, 2020
55 - Your Valentine's (Fitness) Relationship Review
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
It's Valentine's Day. Yeesh... time to audit your relationship with fitness 6 weeks into 2020. Are you hanging in there? Has your motivation disappeared like that waxy heart-shaped box of bonbons? A heavy majority of fitness resolutions are now completely dead. That's the norm, but there's no need to walk away from physical activity completely. Let's take advantage of "love day" and reflect on where you're at and what you can do to reboot your routine if you're stuck in a rut.
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/kellydoell
10 Things Killing Your Motivation to Move (Free Download): http://kellydoell.com/downloads/
Kelly on IG: @kelly.doell @happilyeveractiveshow
Get Your Copy of Feel Like it: http://kellydoell.com/feel-like-it/

Friday Feb 07, 2020
54 - Can Self-Discipline be Enjoyable?
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Does staying discipline have to suck? No, but you'd never know if you'd look at how popular culture treats this important part of active living. This week, using a terrible bread analogy, I revisit the real meaning of self-discipline and how enjoyment can be the difference maker in your fitness pursuits.
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/kellydoell
10 Things Killing Your Motivation to Move (Free Download): http://kellydoell.com/downloads/
Kelly on IG: @kelly.doell @happilyeveractiveshow
Get Your Copy of Feel Like it: http://kellydoell.com/feel-like-it/

Friday Jan 31, 2020
53 - The Myth of Laziness in Fitness
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Let's talk about laziness. Have we oversimplified this complex concept? Of course! I'll use examples from nature to make the point that we're still animals wired to see energy expenditure as precious, even risky. We all choose the path of least resistance, some more than others. But in the name of self-compassion, we need to give ourselves a break and stop beating ourselves up for being less active than we want. At the same time, we can overcome society's relentless pursuit of making exercise obsolete by being more mentally innovative. Spoiler: stronger willpower isn't the answer.
Pic on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/41lh45/sheep_snow_path/
Buy Feel Like It: https://www.amazon.ca/Feel-Like-Makeover-Motivation-Happily-ebook/dp/B07NFF9G8N
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/kellydoell
Kelly on Twitter: @kellydoell
Kelly on Instagram: @kelly.doell
HEA on Instagram: @happilyeveractiveshow
![52 [Interview] The Power of Play with Dale Sidebottom from Fitness Games Zone](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog4289714/HEA_Cover_-_Copy_2__300x300.jpg)
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Play creates transcendent exercise experiences. In such "flow states", we're distracted from how working our bodies is so healthy. Why? We're too busy solving problems, collaborating with others, and even laughing as we go. This week, Dale Sidebottom from Fitness Games Zone (and host of the Energetic Education podcast) joins me to discuss how to bring play to the table. I also feature one of his creations, Daily Mission Cards, which have added some refreshing, creative variety to play time with my 4-year-old.
Jugar Life: https://www.jugar.life/
Fitness Games Zone: https://fitnessgameszone.com/
Daily Mission Cards: https://energetic.education/daily-mission-cards-are-live/
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/kellydoell
Feel Like It (Audible): https://www.audible.ca/pd/Feel-Like-It-Makeover-Your-Motivation-to-Move-and-Live-Happliy-Ever-Active-Audiobook/B07SB8TVVD
Feel Like It (Print): https://www.amazon.ca/Feel-Like-Makeover-Motivation-Happily-ebook/dp/B07NFF9G8N
Kelly on IG: https://www.instagram.com/kelly.doell

Friday Jan 17, 2020
51 How to Enhance Enjoyment in 9 Steps
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Friday Jan 17, 2020
As the saying goes, “Nothing changes if you change nothing.” If you want to finally quit the grueling grind, jump off the struggle bus, and enjoy all the juicy mental and physical benefits of exercise, you’ll have to learn how to like it. That won’t magically happen on its own. So, let's engineer it. In this short episode, I list 9 steps for building a more enjoyable exercise routine:
1) Go Goalless
2) Reject "No Pain, No Gain"
3) Know Your "Type"
4) Try New Things
5) Attend to the Atmosphere
6) Bust up Binary Thinking
7) Manage Intensity Better
8) Monitor What Matters
9) Add Goals
Kelly on IG: @kelly.doell
Get Feel Like It here: https://www.amazon.ca/Feel-Like-Makeover-Motivation-Happily-ebook/dp/B07NFF9G8N

Friday Dec 27, 2019
50 Is Another Gym Contract the Solution?
Friday Dec 27, 2019
Friday Dec 27, 2019
True, the financial investment of a contractual agreement with a gym gives some people a spark, but is it a solid solution for you? This week, I ask you to honestly audit your fitness history to answer that question. I'll also get you pondering about life beyond the gym to build a routine that's more built to last. Stay tuned for the last Question of the Week of 2019. Happy New Year!
Kelly on IG: @kelly.doell
HEA on IG: @happilyeveractiveshow
![49 [Interview] Dr. Jason Brooks: Does Your Rest Match Your Stress?](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog4289714/HEA_Cover_-_Copy_2__300x300.jpg)
Friday Dec 20, 2019
49 [Interview] Dr. Jason Brooks: Does Your Rest Match Your Stress?
Friday Dec 20, 2019
Friday Dec 20, 2019
How well do you take care of the machine? This week, I dig down with philosophical mental performance coach, Dr. Jason Brooks, about the often neglected necessity of recovery. Not only does Jason drop some brilliant advice for dealing with mental resistance to exercise, he infuses the show with compelling stories from his field work in medicine and elite sport. Tune in for several practical tips on how you can better replenish energy stores to perform more optimally in the moments that matter.
Dr. Brooks on IG: @dr.jabro
Dr. Brooks on Twitter: @phenomenaldocs
Kelly on IG: @kelly.doell
HEA on IG: @happilyeveractiveshow
Jason references a New Yorker article entitled The Physical Genius: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1999/08/02/the-physical-genius
Feel Like It available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Feel-Like-Makeover-Motivation-Happily-ebook/dp/B07NFF9G8N
Become a patron with Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/kellydoell
![48 [Interview] Dr. Shayne Young on the Mental Side of Injury Rehab](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog4289714/HEA_Cover_-_Copy_2__300x300.jpg)
Friday Dec 13, 2019
48 [Interview] Dr. Shayne Young on the Mental Side of Injury Rehab
Friday Dec 13, 2019
Friday Dec 13, 2019
A forced divorce from fitness via injury might not just be physically painful, but it can make us a mental mess too. This week, I chat with Dr. Shayne Young of Active Health Institute to learn about how he manages the "mental game" of rehab on the front lines. Listen as Dr. Young invokes several cases from elite sport (hockey, weight lifting, running) to teach us key lessons about one of the most challenging facets of active living.
Follow Active Health on IG: https://www.instagram.com/activehealthinstitute/
Follow Kelly on IG: https://www.instagram.com/kelly.doell/
Get a copy of Feel Like It: Makeover Your Motivation to Move: https://www.amazon.ca/Feel-Like-Makeover-Motivation-Happily-ebook/dp/B07NFF9G8N
Get "10 Things Killing Your Motivation" here: http://kellydoell.com/10-things-killing-your-motivation-to-move/

Friday Dec 06, 2019
47 The Bliss List: 17 Fitness Moments We Love
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Friday Dec 06, 2019
What do chips and chocolate have to do with motivation? Let's take a look at two of the most attractive substances known to mankind to see where your fitness diet might be letting you down. I'll also fire off a list of 17 blissful fitness moments that keep so many people coming back for more. As usual, keep an ear out for the question of the week.
Kelly on IG: @kelly.doell
HEA on IG: @happilyactiveshow
Get Feel Like It here: https://www.amazon.ca/Feel-Like-Makeover-Motivation-Happily-ebook/dp/B07NFF9G8N

Friday Nov 29, 2019
46 Preventing the Pain Pendulum Pattern in 2020
Friday Nov 29, 2019
Friday Nov 29, 2019
Are being taken for a ride? Let's revisit a problematic pattern we've all experienced at some point on our fitness journey - The Pain Pendulum. Find out what it is, why we need to talk about it before the New Year, and what you can do to stop it. If you struggle with your motivation to exercise, and New Years Resolutions never work, then this is the episode you need.
F-Talks Tickets (Code: happilyeveractive): https://www.eventbrite.com/e/november-new-year-presented-by-f-talks-tickets-73140480145
Pain Pendulum Article: http://kellydoell.com/2019/11/26/how-to-be-more-motivated-to-exercise-in-2020/
Ray Zahab Interview is #42, Joshua Fry Interview (Pills, Purpose, & Perseverance) is #18: http://kellydoell.com/happilyeveractiveshow/
Feel Like it > Scented Candles... get it here: http://kellydoell.com/feel-like-it/ or on any online outlet
![45 [Interview] November Project (Part 2) - Lauren Carter and Liz Mackenzie](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog4289714/HEA_Cover_-_Copy_2__300x300.jpg)
Friday Nov 22, 2019
45 [Interview] November Project (Part 2) - Lauren Carter and Liz Mackenzie
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Last week, I interviewed November Project co-founder Brogan Graham about the evolution of this fascinating free fitness movement. In the second half of my two part feature on November Project, I sit down with the happy leaders of its Ottawa chapter. On fine form, Liz Mackenzie and Lauren Carter shed light on the mental side of community building and co-leadership. We talk bananas, bounces, and burpees and get the inside scoop on what makes this worldwide fitness movement so successful in Canada's capital. (Oh, and keep an eye out for the outtake.)
Liz Mackenzie on IG: @https://www.instagram.com/elizabethmackk/
Lauren Carter on IG: https://www.instagram.com/carterlt.lc/
Kelly on IG: https://www.instagram.com/kelly.doell
Get Feel Like It on Audible: https://www.audible.ca/pd/Feel-Like-It-Makeover-Your-Motivation-to-Move-and-Live-Happliy-Ever-Active-Audiobook/B07SB8TVVD?qid=1574399549&sr=1-1&pf_rd_p=65c74350-6dfb-47fa-85fd-1459a4762abd&pf_rd_r=62Y3REYFJEQXY0A74B9N&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_1
Order a hard copy of Feel Like It before the holidays: https://www.amazon.ca/Feel-Like-Makeover-Motivation-Happily-ebook/dp/B07NFF9G8N
![44 [Interview] November Project (Part 1) - Brogan Graham](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog4289714/HEA_Cover_-_Copy_2__300x300.jpg)
Friday Nov 15, 2019
44 [Interview] November Project (Part 1) - Brogan Graham
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Friday Nov 15, 2019
I couldn't let November pass without featuring one of the most successful free fitness movements of our time. It all began as a dare between 2 rowing pals. From Iceland to Indonesia to Indianapolis, November Project catches sunrises in 52 cities across the globe. In Part 1 of this special HEA feature, I chat with its philosophical co-founder, Brogan Graham, about NP's origins, evolution, and even the moment it outgrew his control and his wildest expectations.
Brogan's TEDx Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAuBzKNoMEE
Just Show Up Documentary (must watch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwofbcpEUgw
NP Cities: https://november-project.com/locations/
Brogan on IG: http://instagram.com/brograngraham
NP on IG: http://instagram.com/novemberproject
Kelly on IG: http://instagram.com/kelly.doell
Nab Feel Like It: Makeover Your Motivation to Move - https://www.amazon.ca/Feel-Like-Makeover-Motivation-Happily-ebook/dp/B07NFF9G8N
Feel Like It on Audible: https://www.audible.ca/pd/Feel-Like-It-Makeover-Your-Motivation-to-Move-and-Live-Happliy-Ever-Active-Audiobook

Friday Nov 08, 2019
43 Adage Annihilation #3: If it Doesn't Hurt You, It Doesn't Change You
Friday Nov 08, 2019
Friday Nov 08, 2019
Time to call B.S. on another toxic artifact of today's fitness culture. In this episode, Kelly jumps on a recent exercise physiology study in a scientific journal called Sport to destroy a common adage floating around social media. So is it "fit for the pit"? Let's let science have its say.
Perceived Exertion Study in Sport (2019): https://www.mdpi.com/2075-4663/7/7/161/htm4
Dr. Kennedy Interview: https://www.folio.ca/high-intensity-interval-training-not-worth-the-extra-effort-study-suggests
Perceived Exertion Scale: https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/physical-activity/borg-rating-perceived-exertion-scale
Kelly on IG: @kelly.doell
HEA on IG: @happilyeveractive
Feel Like It: Makeover Your Motivation to Move is on Audible, Amazon, and at www.kellydoell.com
Latest Review (Audible):
"A little gem"
I'm a hard sell when it comes to books. If it doesn't grab me, I'm out. But the questions it asks at the start caught my attention. It never let go. After a refreshing analysis of fitness culture, it soon breaks into how to overcome the barriers we face, not by exercising better willpower, but by building a fitness routine based on something really personal... how you actually want fitness to feel.
![42 [Interview] Ray Zahab: No Finish Lines](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog4289714/HEA_Cover_-_Copy_2__300x300.jpg)
Friday Nov 01, 2019
42 [Interview] Ray Zahab: No Finish Lines
Friday Nov 01, 2019
Friday Nov 01, 2019
The adage is true, "Every Journey Starts with a Single Step", even if you're a professional explorer. Ray Zahab's transformation has included many, dodging rattle snakes and polar bears in the process. This ex-smoker has piled up over 15,000 KM of expeditions on foot in the most inhospitable corners of the planet; the Sahara, the South Pole, Death Valley, and Baffin Island (to name a few). But as he says he still "puts on his pants one leg at a time like everyone else". Tune in to hear about his evolution, one that Ray says "has no finish lines".
Movie Trailer - Running the Sahara: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HidKMFClQUU
Ray's TEDx Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/ray_zahab_treks_to_the_south_pole?language=en
Ray's Expeditions!: https://www.rayzahab.com/international-expeditions/
Ray on IG: https://www.instagram.com/RayZahab/
Ray on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ray.zahab?fref=ts
Kelly on IG: https://www.instagram.kelly.doell
HEA on IG: https://www.instagram.happilyeveractiveshow
Follow the Ottawa F-Talks Inititative on IG: https://www.instagram.com/f.talksyow/
November New Year tickets (F-Talks): https://www.eventbrite.com/e/november-new-year-presented-by-f-talks-tickets-73140480145

Friday Oct 25, 2019
41 Curiosity: The Starter Fuel for Sustainable Fitness
Friday Oct 25, 2019
Friday Oct 25, 2019
It's true, the birth of a passionate, devoted fitness journey often happens by accident. But why wait for serendipity to tap you on the shoulder? This week, Kelly drills down into the power of curiosity, the essential ingredient to any motivation makeover. Also in this episode, Kelly takes on a tricky question from his latest speaking engagement. Stick around for one of his favorite quotes about trying new things.
Free Download: http://kellydoell.com/10-things-killing-your-motivation-to-move/
Instagram: http://instagram.com/kelly.doell/ or http://instagram.com/happilyeveractiveshow
Feel Like it on Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Feel-Like-Makeover-Motivation-Happily/dp/1460252373/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

Friday Oct 18, 2019
40 Using the Yes Drill to Create More Motivating Workouts
Friday Oct 18, 2019
Friday Oct 18, 2019
One secret to having more motivation lies in the moment. In this episode, learn how to tap into it with my favorite focusing exercise called the Yes Drill. Whether you're into lifting, running, spinning, or something else, the Yes Drill will help you create more motivating movement day-in and day-out, elevating the sustainability of your routine in the process.
Free E-Book: http://kellydoell.com/10-things-killing-your-motivation-to-move/
IG: @kelly.doell ; @happilyeveractiveshow
Twitter: @kellydoell

Friday Oct 11, 2019
39 Keep Casting Your Net: A TryTober Ride-along
Friday Oct 11, 2019
Friday Oct 11, 2019
The saying is TRUE... how do you know unless you try? That's what #TryTober is all about; getting out there and finally doing the thing you've pondered for too long. Well, this week, I gave Pickleball a go and it did not disappoint. In this episode, I debrief this TryTober experience in hopes of sparking you into action to get off your hands and cast your net.
TryPact: http://kellydoell.com/trypact/
Kelly on IG: https://www.instagram.com/kelly.doell/
HEA on IG: https://www.instagram.com/happilyeveractiveshow/
Free Download: http://kellydoell.com/10-things-killing-your-motivation-to-move/

Saturday Oct 05, 2019
38 The Motivating Power of Music
Saturday Oct 05, 2019
Saturday Oct 05, 2019
Music and movement have been married for millennia... but are you taking advantage of its... advantages??? Or may be IT'S taking advantage of YOU. In this episode, Kelly reviews 5 key academic findings on the motivating capacity of music but also adds a special disclaimer to this unique relationship.
Kelly on IG: @kelly.doell
HEA on IG: @happilyeveractiveshow
Free Download: http://kellydoell.com/10-things-killing-your-motivation-to-move/

Friday Sep 27, 2019
37 The Motivating Power of Atmosphere
Friday Sep 27, 2019
Friday Sep 27, 2019
So you've built a routine based on attractive "action"; activities that you like, but will this be enough? There's something else we need consider for the long-haul. What is it? The attractiveness of the atmospheres in which you exercise.
Inspired by Kelly's recent midnight trail race, this episode revisits the important link between exercise environments and and motivation. Don't miss the question of the week.
IG: @kelly.doell ; @happilyeveractiveshow
Try the TryPact: http://kellydoell.com/trypact
TryTober is here: search #trytober on Instagram
![36 [Interview] Badass Fitness Leadership with Karly Tardiff](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog4289714/HEA_Cover_-_Copy_2__300x300.jpg)
Friday Sep 20, 2019
36 [Interview] Badass Fitness Leadership with Karly Tardiff
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Warning: Do NOT touch this woman's bike. Listed as one of the Top 100 Most Fascinating Manitobans, Karly Tardiff's resume includes organizing a fitness Guinness World Record and raising $150,000 for Cancer Care in the process. If that isn't enough, her legs went viral in 2019 with a badass video showcasing her tenacity and stellar speed (link below). So, this week, upload Karly's full fitness story, which began on the modest streets of a tiny Canadian town (Ignace) and includes a dynamic leadership role in today's burgeoning community fitness movement.
Karly in the news: https://www.runnersworld.com/news/a28760818/winnipeg-runner-chases-down-bike-thief/
Karly's IG: @karly_tardiff
Badass Lady Gang: @badassladygang
Badass Lady Gang Winnipeg: @badassladygangwpg
Cancer Care Manitoba: https://www.cancercarefdn.mb.ca/
*Feel Like It is on Audible
*Check out the book trailer

Friday Sep 13, 2019
35 The Motivating Power of Implementation Intention
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Friday Sep 13, 2019
"One day" is here. In this short episode, Kelly unveils a simple tool to help you inject some new life into your fitness routine. Using the power of implementation intention, TryPact--a simple promise to yourself--will pull those fitness curiosities out of your head and into the real world. So what have you always wanted to try? Let's get it done.
Go to http://kellydoell.com/trypact/
Kelly on IG: @kelly.doell
HEA on IG: @happilyeveractiveshow
![34 [Interview] Meditation Matters with Jewelia Orlick](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog4289714/HEA_Cover_-_Copy_2__300x300.jpg)
Friday Sep 06, 2019
34 [Interview] Meditation Matters with Jewelia Orlick
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Meditation is going mainstream for a reason; it's effects are so powerful. But can it fit in your fitness routine? This week's guest, Jewelia Orlick of Jewelia Orlick Meditation, discusses how she discovered this impactful practice and some of the neuroscience supporting it. Most importantly, Jewelia suggests ways you can bring it aboard your fitness journey today. Be sure to join Jewelia's newsletter family (below) and receive a free 10-minute guided meditation video.
Free Guided Meditation at www.jeweliaorlick.com
IG: @jeweliaorlickmeditation
Jewelia is at "Uplift" at Saje Wellness (Westboro) on September 15th (2019), 6:00pm to 7:30pm. For more details visit: https://www.jeweliaorlick.com/events/uplift-september
Kelly on IG: @kelly.doell @happilyeveractiveshow
Get your copy of Feel Like It: http://kellydoell.com/feel-like-it/

Friday Aug 30, 2019
33 Ask Kelly: Motivation, Sleep, and Running at the Back of the Pack
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
In this special episode, Kelly fields three listener questions about struggling with her motivation to strength train, what Kelly does when he doesn't "feel like" exercising, and the frustration of life at the "back of the pack."
Download "10 Things Killing Your Motivation" --> http://kellydoell.com/10-things-killing-your-motivation-to-move/
IG: @kelly.doell @happilyeveractiveshow